Almost cut my Hair CSNY

What started as a personal journey of a doctor turned patient morphed into a way to share what’s universal in dealing with cancer, in my case a nasty leukemia (CLL), a failed transplant and a successful clinical trial. The telling of my journey has become a journey to teach about CLL, related blood issues and all cancers. Please visit our new website for the latest news and information. Smart patients get smart care™. If you want to reach me, email
This child of the 60's experiences every word you have written, and although I have not yet come to the opening where I begin the process of embracing that promise that comes from the overwhelming generosity of another Human Being, I am present in the telling of the journey that your knowing has guided you on.
Your awareness and presence is a gift for all who travel alongside
you on this shared path...
find your stillness and know that you are in the midst of healing energies and blessings from us all.
ps I'm keeping this hair as long as it will grow...gray is good....
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