Sunday, December 16, 2012

ASH 2012: Experimental Ibrutinib Promotes High Response Rate in Leukemia

Here are interviews with my doctor, Dr. John Byrd from OSU and Dr. Claire Dearden from the UK after the press conference announcing the news on ibrutinib.

I will be following up with more videos and text a that provide more details, but this is a nice overview of the enthusiasm with this BTK inhibitor.

The video is from Internal Medicine News with thanks and that tells you that the interest in this therapy extends beyond the hematology community.

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Anonymous David Tipton said...

Brian, I can't thank you enough for all the work you have done with your blog, it has been a tremendous source for me as well as others with CLL.

Thank You David Tipton dx 2001, FCR 2004, relapse 2007, Rituxan Maint since 2009

December 17, 2012 at 12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am hearing nothing but positives about Ibrutinib(PCI32765). 96% PFS after 2 years...WOW!!!!!...and that's 2 years and counting!!!!!
For younger patients I can see giving them something like FCR to get it knocked back then maintaining with the Ibrutinib. I hear that is already in the idea bank of the researchers but may be few years down the road. I am in the Ibrutinib resonate trial and have felt great taking this. If you are eligible for the trial I would consider getting in now as they still have slots available.

December 18, 2012 at 9:50 AM  

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