Thursday, August 20, 2009

Failure is not an Option

Here are some lines that I have amplified from a letter I sent to a rediscovered dear friend from 1967.

The last few days have been crazy. Stepping off the shore onto the frozen lake is always full of risks. And if the ice is thin, you better know your route and be light and quick of foot. I am sure I will make the crossing, but I may slip and fall a few times, and I may even shatter the glossy surface and get drenched in the frigid dark waters beneath once or twice. With expert help I will reemerge to move forward gingerly again, but as stated by Gene Kranz, lead flight director for Mission Control for Apollo 13 "Failure is not an option."

Went ice skating today, hence 1/2 of the mixed metaphor.

Pretty crazy stunt to do with dropping platelets, a sore bone marrow biopsy site hardly a day old, and wobbly arthritic knees. I did it anyway for my son's birthday surprise and it was great fun. I'm a Canadian after all, and an ex-leftwinger to boot, eh.

Tomorrow I get blood work again and a low dose of IVig to reverse the downturn in my platelets.

My teleconference went well. My work load is shrinking. I should be able to write more soon.


Blogger Judy Cleri said...

Once a hockey player always a hockey player. That is a good thing, because they sail through the down times.....and just think....the season starts in just a few weeks.....You know the Kings might be able to use a great winger about now......BUT I think you really need to think about switching teams......maybe to one who has won the CUP!



August 21, 2009 at 9:16 AM  
Blogger Alison said...


August 22, 2009 at 9:29 AM  

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