Friday, November 6, 2009

Ezer Mizion Fundraiser

My wife and I will be flying back to frantic Manhattan again where I will give a keynote address, after only about a week at home in pleasant coastal southern California. I am blessed to live where people vacation.

This is no good for me. Fatigue hits me like a sucker punch in the 15th round. The lethargy is thickened by the stress of knowing there is much riding on my prose.

But back I go, because I have a chance to make a difference. A chance to share a shard of my story, and remind those untouched by leukemia or lymphoma, how a transplant can offer some their only path to safety. A chance to move them to help a stranger. like a stranger helped me.

On Monday I will be speak at an upscale fundraiser for Ezer Mizion, the good people who found my beloved donor and gave me only chance to live.

I will tell the truth - about how desperate I was until they helped me and about how desperately I still need them for another swing at the bat, a second transplant.

Don't you think I make a strange poster boy for bone marrow transplants?

But I know that when I arrive at the gathering, my tiredness, will melt like an icicle in a Cuban heat wave.

I will speak with passion and gusto. I will make a difference.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ALWAYs make a difference!

November 7, 2009 at 7:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Brian

Great cause and I am sure that you will speak brilliantly and from the heart; I am sure you will also enjoy the evening.
Keep well

November 7, 2009 at 9:19 AM  
Blogger Judy Cleri said...

You have and always will make a difference. We are all better for having known you and especially those of us who have been your patients.

Take care and be someone I know always says....:-)

November 7, 2009 at 12:43 PM  
Blogger pkenn said...

I feel blessed, as I know many do, to have you fighting this battle for awareness for all of us. I feel blessed to know you, and blessed to have you as a resource for myself and others who are on this CLL journey.

November 7, 2009 at 6:36 PM  

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