Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pageant of the Masters

Great fun at the Pageant of the Masters. Wonderful illusions that use real people to mimic the illusions that are paintings and sculptures that represent real people. 

Very Alice through the Looking Glass.

It was a treat to meet the 30 or so people that ranged from recent grads to older alumni from my alma mater, McGill. Great school. Great city, Montreal. Great people tonight.

It was a bit weird shopping for the wine and cheese when I don't get to eat any, but it wasn't that long ago that I lived in that world and I was told I had chosen well. I was good- not one drop of Merlot, not one nibble of Brie. I waited to get home to my raw organic vegies and nuts, and am glad I did.

But the evening wasn't about food or wine, but about fine art and the people who make it and the people who love it and support the artists.

Hope those who are local can get out to the Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach. I might even be able to help you will tickets to the Festival (not the Pageant).

You will enjoy it. Check out Booth 30C where you will see my son, Will's amazing work. And wander around. Lose yourself in the creative maze. It will take you away from the mundane for awhile, and give you a new way to see the world.

Isn't that is the gift of art? Picasso said" Art is a lie that makes us realize truth." The Pageant of the Masters with its weird mix of reality and illusion is living proof of Pablo's words.



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