The Truth is not out there

We make it up as we go along.
What started as a personal journey of a doctor turned patient morphed into a way to share what’s universal in dealing with cancer, in my case a nasty leukemia (CLL), a failed transplant and a successful clinical trial. The telling of my journey has become a journey to teach about CLL, related blood issues and all cancers. Please visit our new website for the latest news and information. Smart patients get smart care™. If you want to reach me, email
I left another post- but I think it got lost.
You are such a wonderful writer and crusader in your own journey of health. Your continued support of others (like me) is amazing when you are dealing with so much already.
Just stay one step ahead of this!
Lea Morrison
I think we CLLers all need a quiet place, literal or figurative, where we can think. There's a place near my house that I walk to. It's undeveloped land in the desert and has a beautiful view. Many a time I have gone there with a journal and conflicting treatment choices and advice swirling around in my head. Usually, once I get there and sit on a rock and drink in the view, I cam begin to make some sense of it all. Call it my intuition spot, or whatever. There is silence there to listen to, and usually good things come out of it.
Ah, divine connections.
"Be still, and know......" - from Psalm 46. Given 1/2-a-chance, silence often turns out not to be that silent. It's just that I couldn't hear above all my busyness. Hope you find your quiet place!
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