Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"And she brings you tea and oranges" Leonard Cohen

Day 28+ 
There is less and less to report. Which is good.
Eating more and more home cooked vegan food with less and less pain. Drinking juice from blood oranges from Laura's (my son, Will's girlfriend) garden. But first, we must soak the oranges in a dilute bleach mix and then rinses them and drink it immediately. Blood oranges are believed my some in the alternative medicine world to help the (drum roll please) the blood.
Still drinking 3 pots of organic green tea a day. 
Rash might be getting better.
I started myself on Culturelle, the good bacteria in yoghurt, and omega 3 (anti-inflammatory) to reduce my risk of GVH. I am washing  bald head to toe with the antiseptic Hibiclens every 2 or 3 days.
I got my differential back from yesterday's clinic at CoH. My lymphs have fallen to 500 (below normal) and my neutrophils have climbed to over 7,000.
Remember that less than 2 weeks ago none of my neutrophils were donor, but my lymphs were mostly donor T cells. So I am trying to read the T leaves as to what this means in terms of my engraftment.  I will have the answer in a week or so.

Today's earthquake had no effect on anything but my nerves, but my office was near the epicenter and I have not been able to reach them. I have not heard of any injuries or structural damage, but I hardly needed a fresh reminder of the fragility of life.


Blogger fred rowe said...

Be careful with the oranges. Fred could not eat anything from our OWN garden for the first 100 days.
Keep up your positive attitude!

July 29, 2008 at 4:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Cool, the blood orange is a great juice that is sweet but somewhat bitter and less acidic than that of regular table oranges (farmer background). The blood orange is a hybrid of ancient origin and probably originated in Sicily.
3 pots of tea…WOW.
Hibiclens is great too. Does it make you skin red? I need to get stock up on.
Keep up the good work and eat lots of yogurt.

Your CLL Friend,

July 29, 2008 at 7:39 PM  
Blogger jortega said...

A word or two from Diamond Bar. About the earthquake, all is fine. If yesterdays quake didn't push us off or over the edge---you know what I refer to---then nothing will. All is intact, no damage that I am aware of. Thought you looked great in the deli cap...it's you.
Just a thought, maybe you should boil your orange juice too...bet you never had hot OJ before, me neither... now I'm wondering...have to give it a try...nah.
Here's to your continuing adventure - ching ching.

July 30, 2008 at 10:11 PM  

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