Stomach was better with smaller meals. Tender rash is spreading. Not sure what it is.
Received a Schwartz's cap that says Montreal on the back. For the unaware, Schwartz's, Montreal's Hebrew Delicatessen, is home of the best smoked meat in the world. Hey, I was not always a vegan and I certainly ate everything I could when I was in medical school at McGill.
I also received a beautiful and very special prayer quilt from Dan and Martha Thompson and their church, Inland Hills Church in Chino, Ca. Every knot represents a prayer. It has a musical theme, but there are some surprises including hockey and Canadian symbols. So thoughtful. So prayerful. Thank you so much. I have the best patients.
This is the second quilt I have received. The first one was amazing and made me cry. It was from my office staff, and included wonderful pictures of them all with a travel theme highlighting some of my worldly adventures. I am so blessed. I have the best staff.
I will post pictures of the quilts.
The work and love and hopes and prayers and sweet memories that went into these quilting projects are certainly part of my healing equation. I have no doubt.
Not only am I am prayed for, but my bald head (and shaved face, yes that hair was falling out, too) is protected from the sun with a cap advertising a deli. Gives new meaning to the term, meathead.
The hat works nicely. I like the new you!
Charles De Long
Survivorship can give new meaning to commonly used phrases:
"Life is good."
"I care about you."
"I love you."
Cancer is bad. Cancer survivorship has facets that add colorful and joyous light to life.
With hope,
Whoo Hoo......Now, that is pretty snazzy.......I think I'm liking the new clean shavin you........ BUT.....your wearing the wrong hat.......You need a Ducks hat. After all hockey season is almost here! Yippee. And please don't tell me your not a Ducks Fan...... We might just have to switch doctors if we find that out.
Thinking about and praying for you daily.
Judy & Clem
For the record, I am a very long suffering Kings fan. I like the Ducks, but it was hard enough to switch from being a Montreal fan to a LA fan so I am not anxious to change again. Grew up on the Canadiens in their glory days. Flying Frenchmen. That was a special time.
Dr K
Hey Brian, I am already planning for your fabled 100 day bash. I am going to bring the infamous Kenyan beer - Tuskers - for you to enjoy. Kenyan beer is a heady brew with a huge elephant as its logo. You can sometimes find Tuskers at Trader Joe's. So I will seek and find some of this exotic nectar for your special occasion. I like your bald pate but you need to regrow your locks at some point so as to regain your vaunted status as the neo-hippie healer who we all so dearly love. I need you back as my doctor as you are the only one who deals so effectively with my many neuroses. Get well my friend.
All the best Jeff Sink.
OK, so you don't need the full services of the Cirque Wigmaster.....but the eyelashes! Maybe the ones with feathers?? In blue? green? red? What are the King's colours???!!!! XO Pam
Bring back the Canadiens! (the Habs)
A childhood friends dad was from Montreal, so I grew up watching Gump Worsley and Henri Richard play.
Good times!
Dr. K,
This is my first note since before the surgery, and what can I say? I'm in awe of your spirit, your courage, your fight and your ability to find the insights (and humor) to inspire the rest of us...
If I didn't think you were the best dr in the world before (which I did, by the way), then I certainly do now!
Keep on keepin' on...
All the best,
Lisa Perlman Greathouse
Hi Dr. Koffman -
We are also members of Inland Hills Church and were grateful to have the opportunity to tie 2 knots on that quilt made for you.
We are praying for you and can't wait to see you back!!!
VERY Sincerely,
Dave and Ronda Rhodes
Love the look, Brian. Of course, when I HAD hair I flaunted it; now that I don't, I flaunt THAT too. Just back from Toronto, your Schwartz' cap has started a craving that I will fill in the next few days. I'll be sure to have a bite for you!
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