Tomorrow I see Dr. Kipps, my main CLL guru, and I haven't given it a moment's thought. I am too busy enjoying the non-remitting but definitely wonderful respite that IVIG is giving me from platelet worries.
It is more crucial and fun to plan the details of our 2 week trip to Israel and Cairo, framed by IVIG drips.
It was more important to have visited my daughter and son-in-law in the rainy bay area with our adopted grandma, enjoying the view of the Golden Gate Bridge or the Amish quilts at the DeYoung, and for the non vegans, clam chowder in a sourdough bowl at Fisherman's wharf, and of course, chocolate at Ghirardelli Square.
I must give proper time to worrying about my son, Ben, now in the Amazon jungles on his way to help the poor people of Pisco, Peru rebuild after their devastating earthquake.
Plus I feeling the building excitement of my youngest son,
Will's next art opening this Saturday.
Here's his email:
I'm having an art opening on Saturday and I'd really love for you to be there. =)
It's my fourth annual show at Avanti Cafe, a collection of new work entitled Bleach Blonde.
Sat. Jan 30, 2010, 7-11pm
@ Avanti Cafe
259 East 17th Street,
Costa Mesa - CA
(949) 548-2224
art, food, wine, and live music from Black Elephant.
I guarantee a splendid time with amazing bleach art, a great mix of people of all ages, fun live music, and delicious and good for you veggie hors d'oeurves. I will be there for sure. My CLL has kept me away from past such events, and so I plan to enjoy every second of this one. Hope you join us.
Good to see you get on with the business of living instead of being consumed by CLL issues. In the same spirit, we are off to Napa for a few days of indulgences and hopefully warmer weather than in Denver.
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