"You don't know what you got til it's gone" Joni Mitchell

What started as a personal journey of a doctor turned patient morphed into a way to share what’s universal in dealing with cancer, in my case a nasty leukemia (CLL), a failed transplant and a successful clinical trial. The telling of my journey has become a journey to teach about CLL, related blood issues and all cancers. Please visit our new website http://cllsociety.org for the latest news and information. Smart patients get smart care™. If you want to reach me, email bkoffmanMD@gmail.com
So, that's what winsome means...
Best wishes to you doc. We're still here, keeping an eye on your progress.
Charlie and Linda De Long
Eben without the teeth, he is still better looking than I.
Dear Dr. Koffman,
I have been following your blog for a few months. I am inspired by you and began my own blog when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 weeks ago. Because I've been very curious about who is reading mine, and craving 'comments', I decided not to be one of your silent readers anymore. I love your attitude and I love the music you reference. I wish I understood the medical stuff more.
My family and I wish you the best. You assisted at the C-section delivery of my second son in 1995. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving.
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