Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Forget the alligators, let's drain the swamp

Labels: Next step. bone marrow biopsy
Friday, November 27, 2009
Highs and Lows

Here is the ditty I posted on Facebook when I got my platelet good news 3 days ago.
209,000 platelets lead the big parade,
With 1.1 lymphocytes next on the team,
They were followed by rows that were filled by the finest neutrophils,
The cream of every healthy blood stream.
Guess you can tell my IVIG is working and my platelets are back to normal-Wahoo
Thursday, November 26, 2009
10 pages of abstracts down, 22 more to go on Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Labels: Platelets improved
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Waiting Again

Waiting to see Dr. Forman.
Labels: decisions, Low Platelets
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Staying low
Labels: Low Platelets
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Crash Landing
Labels: Falling platelets
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Still High
Labels: Meeting my donor Ezer Mizion
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Meeting my donor
I am just back from an incredible fundraising event in NYC for Ezer Mizion, the amazing international bone marrow marrow registry that found my donor. The are an incredible force for good, a wonderful non-profit.
I was the keynote speaker at the gathering.
Amazing amazing amazing. Emotionally wasted and physically exhausted from the fabulous time.
I MET MY DONOR- a young very conservative, very orthodox, very religious man of 23, newly wed, an Israeli rabbinic student, quiet and loving. A wonderful person who talked about how his world was changed by his life saving gift
Despite our near identical genetics, we don't very much look alike, although our coloring is similar, He is small boned, delicate, with a serious and caring demeanor. We both of course come from eastern European stock, but our family backgrounds are very different. We spent hours together talking at this gorgeous 7 story townhouse on the upper east side of Manhattan.
The 50 or so people there were all friendly and interesting and very generous.
Everyone said that my speech went very well. I was crying so it was hard for me to judge. My wife and daughter, Heather were also crying. All the men in the room were crying. Everyone was crying. Then they surprised me and brought out my donor, and I cried more and everyone cried way more. Lots of crying.
We raised a ton of money last night for Ezer Mizion. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that thousands of lives will be saved.
Meeting my donor wasn't like getting married or seeing your child for this time, but it was up there.
I am a very lucky man.
It was a very special day, full of love and healing.
More later. I need a shower and a nap.
Labels: Meeting my donor Ezer Mizion
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Family Picture 1 Month Prior to Transplant
Labels: Ezer Mizion
Friday, November 6, 2009
Ezer Mizion Fundraiser
Labels: Ezer Mizion
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Platelets are rock solid, Yea Yea Yea (remastered)
Labels: platelets
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Talmudic Comments
After almost a year and a half of blogging, and nearly 100,000 page loads, I finally realized I could comment on your comments.
There are some great commentaries on my last post and also my humble replies. Take a look, please. You will be rewarded. Just click on comment at the bottom of the post.
This is actually very Talmudic. As Rabbi Hillel, would say while standing on one leg in a very different context two thousand years ago: The rest is commentary. Now go study. Wouldn't it be great if I could set up a blog where the comments and references wrapped around the page in the fashion of the Babylonian rabbis? I am sure someone expert in HTML could make it happen, but I will spend my energy elsewhere.
Still if you want a personal response, please email at bkoffmanMD@gmail. com. That also is the only way I can get your contact info, as the blog does not capture emails. And you might want early notification of my book- still a work in progress, a labor of love and angst, and positive transformation- and that would be my only way to reach you.